What is A Battery?

A battery such as the ones we use to power our projects made of electrical circuitry. Batteries contain electrochemical cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy.

  • A battery’s positive end contains a cathode, and its negative end contains an anode.
  • In between the anode and cathode are electrolytes
  • The electrolytes enable the charge flow between the cathode and the anode.
  • A battery produces electric energy when the anode releases electrons to the negative terminal and sends ions through the electrolyte. At the other end of the battery, the cathode accepts electrons which flow through the circuit.
  • The electrolyte acts as a channel through which ions flow one way and electrons flow the other.
  • Single-use batteries will continue to work until the chemicals on each end are used up.

There are many types of batteries. The most common ones are single-use batteries in which the materials inside are depleted as they are used. Rechargeable batteries can be both depleted and restored, reversing the chemical depletion by accepting energy back into the battery from an outside source.

More details on the components of an alkaline battery, the most common batteries used in ThingLearn projects, can be found here. A good overview is found here and here